All You Need to Know About Movement Towards Legalization of Marijuana

Worldwide many countries are moving toward the legalization of marijuana. In the USA many states have legalized the use of recreational pot while others have allowed people to use medical cannabis. It has not been easy, but it is through hard work and research that has made the states to legalize the use of either medical or recreational marijuana or both. Recently California has allowed people to use recreational marijuana and it is one of the most popular states in the US. Some states legalized the use of medical marijuana many decades ago, but some are still not allowed people to use it for medical purpose.

Many countries like Jamaica legalized the use of pot a long time ago. For that reason, people have been growing the plant freely, but some regulations try to regulate the growing. On top of that many countries in North America have made sure that the plan is legal but have a limitation of using the products in public places. Many regulations and policies have been made to help the hemp industry grow. On top of that research has played a great role in the movement toward legalization of cannabis in many states in the USA as well as many other countries in the world. Below is a brief discussion of all you need to know about the legalization of marijuana.

Why legalize marijuana and its products?

Over 30 states in America have legalized the use of marijuana. The question remains why they allow the post to be used. Many of the states have experts who research the hemp industry. Many of the experts have done great work and made sure that they have given reports that show how marijuana can be of great use to humans. For that reason, the point out the benefits of the plans and its products and this has enabled many states to legalize medical marijuana.

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On top of the research, marijuana business pays huge taxes to the states governments. For a long time, marijuana businesses have been operating illegally. Money exchanged hands, and the government got nothing. For that reason, many governments have seen an opportunity to collect revenue. A good example is Colorado which in 2017 collected more tax revenue from marijuana business than the alcohol sector. For that reason, many states are legalizing the use of marijuana and the selling of its products to ensure that collect tax from the businesses.

Recreations vs. medical legalization?

Many marijuana products are for medical purposes. Around 30 states have legalized the use of medical marijuana. This is as a result of the health benefits that come with the products. The medical sector is using the products to manage cancer, glaucoma, epilepsy, anxiety, mental health among many other health benefits. On the other hand, other states have legalized the use of recreational marijuana, and California is one of the states. If you want for health purpose, there are many products available such as Charlotte’s Web CBD Oil CW Hemp in many of the states. Many of the states have come up with strict rules that govern the use of marijuana to prevent abuse and addiction.

All You Need to Know About Movement Towards Legalization of Marijuana

Kene Rose

Kene Rose is a medical student and blogger from Illinois. Kene has always been passionate about medicine, science, and health. Kene was introduced to the benefits of CBD oil in her first year of medical school and has never looked back since.

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