All about CBD Oils: Extraction, Dosage and Use

CBD comes in many forms but one of the most used is CBD oil because of its effectiveness and ease of use. CBD oil has many beneficial effects for the body and well-being. It can be taken orally or applied to the skin and is available in different concentrations and dosages.

How is CBD oil obtained? 

Huile CBD is obtained by extracting the molecules (or cannabinoids) of one of the main varieties of the hemp plant, called Cannabis Sativa, known for its high CBD content. It contains THC in very low doses (between 0.2 and 1%) or not at all, so you will not feel any psychotropic effect. CBD oil extraction involves extracting the CBD extract from the hemp plant and converting it into a usable form of CBD, such as oil. Each extraction method yields a slightly different result, with different qualities and properties. For example, depending on how it is extracted, raw CBD will have a thicker or thinner oily texture, with a darker or lighter hue.

There are different methods of extraction, here are the main ones: 

CO2 extraction: This is the most common method that provides an excellent quality oil with a clean and precise extraction. CO2 extractions can be divided into 2 categories:

“supercritical”, the most used, and “subcritical”. Heated with gas, the plant releases all its essence, preserving all the molecules for an extremely pure result. The only disadvantage of this method is its cost, as it requires high-tech machinery.

The extraction by cold pressure: As for the olive oil, the extraction of the oil is made from the seeds of hemp or flowers of CBD which one freezes then crushed under pressure. It makes it possible to obtain all the compounds of the plant but requires much matter for a small quantity of oil. It is thus little used on a large scale.

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Solvent extraction : Probably the cheapest method but also the least recommended since it uses chemicals. For the extraction, it is necessary to use hydrocarbons which can leave traces.

Uses and huile cbd bienfaits

The use of CBD oil would reduce stress and anxiety, limit chronic pain or act on the quality of sleep. The consumption is generally done orally or sublingually (a few drops under the tongue). You can find CBD oils in the form of oil, drop or capsule to swallow. It is particularly used in cooking in the form of vegetable oil that you can add to your preparations. CBD oil is also used in cosmetics (oil, cream, mask), in skin application in the form of massage. It is known to act against skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis or acne.

What dosage to choose for CBD oil? 

The dosage of CBD oil is specific to each person and depends on certain criteria: the concentration of CBD, how it is administered, the body weight as well as the symptoms and needs. There are several kinds of concentrations of CBD in the oil:

5%: The mildest concentration, perfect for relaxation.

10%: Well tolerated by beginners, helps to fight against stress and relieve temporary aches.

15%: For regular use and significant results: ideal dosage for athletes.

20 % : Reserved for experienced users, relieves more accentuated aches.

25%: Recommended for pain related to neurodegenerative diseases.

30% and more: This concentration is administered to regular users and combines all properties: anti-inflammatory, analgesic and neuroprotective.

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All about CBD Oils: Extraction, Dosage and Use

Kene Rose

Kene Rose is a medical student and blogger from Illinois. Kene has always been passionate about medicine, science, and health. Kene was introduced to the benefits of CBD oil in her first year of medical school and has never looked back since.

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